Finally finished updating my site which is now running on top of the latest iteration of my OtakuPro theme framework (OtakuPro V3). I started the development of OtakuPro V3 December 2013 (last year) during the holiday break and managed to finish it before new year. Unfortunately, when I returned back to work, I was super busy and just can’t find the time to implement it.

There are LOTS of changes in OtakuPro V3 both in frontend and backend…”

What I did is I slowly implemented the updated framework to my site bit by bit every weekends (since I’m just too busy during the weekdays) until it is fully ready for live deployment.

Welcome to Otakumouse V3! (1)
Welcome to Otakumouse V3!

There are LOTS of changes in OtakuPro V3 both in frontend and backend and I’ll be describing these changes in OtakuPro’s official page (which is still a work in progress). In the meantime – here’s one of the major change in OtakuPro and a top priority feature when I started developing V3.

Welcome to Otakumouse V3! (2)
Welcome to Otakumouse V3!

OtakuPro V3 is now fully responsive – meaning it will adapt to any screen resolution. This is good news for those people who mostly browse the web using different devices. OtakuPro V3 will intelligently adjust itself based on the user’s device thus improving the user experience. You can test it out by manually resizing your browser window now.

Welcome to Otakumouse V3! (3)
Welcome to Otakumouse V3!

The responsiveness doesn’t only apply to OtakuPro’s overall layout and design elements. It also applies to the media being displayed such as images and video embeds from sites like YouTube and Vimeo (Yep, videos are responsive too!).

“OtakuPro V3 is now fully responsive – meaning it will adapt to any screen resolution.”

We only just scratched the surface of what’s new in OtakuPro V3. Can’t wait to show you all of its new and updated features! Check its official page regularly and I’ll also announce it here once it’s ready. Now that I’m done introducing OtakuPro V3, Let’s continue with some Q&A. I still owe you guys some answers.

[header]What happened to OtakuPro V2?[/header] If you checked out my previous posts. I mentioned there that I’ll be releasing V2 once I migrated Otakumouse to V3. I know you guys have been patiently waiting for it and I apologize for the delay. I was super busy and I just can’t focus my time in finalizing V2. I also mentioned that I’ll be sending V2 first to those people who are familiar with the basics of HTML and CSS as I’m still working on V2’s “Customization Page” for non-technical people. I’ll create a separate post announcing it’s availability so keep your eyes peeled for that one. For those who are not familiar, here’s what V2 looks like:

OtakuPro V2
OtakuPro V2

Of course, it’s up to you on how you want to use the source files. You can make it your own or build a totally new design out of it. I would also like to stress out that I don’t do theme frameworks for a living and I only do it for fun and learning – so don’t expect in-depth documentation on how to use it like the paid ones. If you’re stuck, I’m very much willing to help :)

[header]Are you also going to release V3? If yes, when?[/header] Yes, and like V2, I will release it for FREE. As for the date, I still can’t give you any specifics since there are a lot of factors involved specially when it comes to my personal time T_T

If you still have more questions, just post it in the comments section below.

PS: OtakuPro V3 is still currently in beta so you might encounter some hiccups while browsing the site. Just in case you experience one, I would really appreciate it if you post the issues you encountered here ;)


Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.