The long wait is over comrades. We are all wanting for a fully featured CG film of Tekken for a long time now (like what they did to Resident Evil), but instead of a CG film, they gave us a Tekken film that most of us didn’t really like and didn’t bother watching at all. A film with just a bunch of carefully selected actors and actresses to portray our favorite Tekken characters and kick each others asses.

Tekken Blood Vengeance (9)

But now, its different. Tekken Project lead, Katsuhiro Harada and Namco Bandai community manager, FilthieRich have just announced an original CG film title based from the Tekken universe, Tekken: Blood Vengeance. It will be directed by Youichi Mouri, cinematics lead of Tekken 5 and Tekken 6 games and the screenplay will be handled by Dai Sato, the very same name from titles such as Cowboy Bebop and Ghost In The Shell: SAC. CG work will be under the godly hands of Digital Frontier, the very same studio behind Resident Evil: Deneration which was shown 2 years ago.

The best part of this is we don’t have to wait for too long because it will be released this summer 2011 \m/ HELL YEAH!!!!

Below are some pretty decent snapshots of the trailer.

Tekken Blood Vengeance (8)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (7)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (6)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (5)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (4)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (3)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (2)
Tekken Blood Vengeance (1)

And here’s the official trailer for you to feast on B-)


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