Sigh… another week has ended and it’s time for another weekly report from me. Time really flies! Sometimes, I really hate Sunday because it means I’m just one day away in getting back to my busy world. I’ve been so freaking busy last week and weekends is the only time I can relax and forget all of my crazy work stuff.

Sometimes, I’m thinking of maybe taking a week off from work but unfortunately, that isn’t possible. Why? Because the industry of my work is 90% advertising and we all know that advertising never sleeps and never takes a vacation. The project turnaround when you are working in the advertising industry is super fast, that’s why you have to be both multi-skilled and a good multi-tasker too.

I still consider myself lucky because my job is actually my “dream” job. Though sometimes, the stress gets into you that it’s not fun anymore. You deal with problems in your projects (bugs, issues, design flaws, etc) + sometimes you also deal with irritating clients. To keep myself motivated, I just think that after this project/month, I’ll be getting the $$$ which I can then use in buying new figures.

Good thing I enjoyed the weekends. Watched a lot of movies, had a meeting with old friends, and of course, regular housekeeping of my office and my figures that I really enjoy doing. How was your weekends/Sunday? What do you do to support your figure collecting hobby?

Sunday At The Office | 2 (16)
It’s nice to work if you know your work place is clean.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (15)
Spiderman is the star of this post. I actually transferred him down because I was waiting for the delivery of my new Black Spiderman (symbiote) figure from Hot Toys. Sadly, It didn’t came and I was told that it will be delivered on Monday.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (14)
Ok, I’m sure I’m not alone on this one. Do you also have the problem of insufficient display racks?
Sunday At The Office | 2 (13)
This is considered as my growing problem of my growing figures. I’m out of display racks :/
Sunday At The Office | 2 (12)
I have no choice but to stack some of my new figures on a single rack which I’m really not a fan of. As much as possible, I want a single rack to display a maximum of 5 figures. But with my current figure count, how the hell will I do that?!?!
Sunday At The Office | 2 (11)
Growing figures, uncontrollable dust, figure maintenance, and insufficient display racks… This is getting serious.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (10)
Doing some “geek” stuff. Do you also code? If yes, what programming language are you using?
Sunday At The Office | 2 (9)
Me, I started my coding adventure in HTML and CSS, then I later studied Javascript. Then as technology gets more advanced, I then studied interactive coding using Actionscript. Then the war between Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android erupted making me study Objective C. It’s a never ending study specially if you’re in the computer industry. It’s “Adapt Or Die”. And yes, as  you may know, I’m not really a programmer, I just decided to study programming to support my design skills.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (8)
Razer Naga that I use in playing Diablo 3. Do you also play Diablo? Add me up: Otakumouse#6443
Sunday At The Office | 2 (7)
My trusty Intuos that I use in my design and illustration work. I use an optional paper like tablet surface to simulate the feeling of drawing on paper.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (6)
Total of 6 terabytes of file backups distributed in 3 external hard disks. The files I use in my work are so important that I need 3 identical backups. My career is finished once I lost these files. It’s kinda crazy but those files are my life.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (5)
My trusty old Macbook Pro (2010) that I use when working in bed.
Sunday At The Office | 2 (4)
I use this super useful and portable notebook “desk” that is designed for people who are using their notebooks while lying down. I’m kinda avoiding working in bed nowadays because I tend to fall asleep haha!
Sunday At The Office | 2 (3)
The growing pile of figure boxes. Do you still keep the boxes of your figures?
Sunday At The Office | 2 (2)
Replaced my dehumidifier for my figures. Do you also use dehumidifiers?

I’ll see you on my next Sunday office report ;) I’m more of a jazz guy so just in case you are too, here’s a smooth jazz tune from bass legend, Victor Wooten.


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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.