Our next figure review is coming real soon. I’ve been starting to take some pictures of Orchid Seed’s very sexy figure rendition of Kurumu Kurono. She was a character from the popular ecchi anime Rosario + Vampire. She plays as a “Succubus” in the series that’s why she’s visually very seductive. Here are some teaser shots for you to enjoy.

Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono (4)
Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono
Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono (3)
Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono
Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono (2)
Review Teaser | Orchid Seed: Kurumu Kurono

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.