Plum is going to release the figure rendition of Alisa Amiella from the game God Eater Burst by Namco/Bandai for the Playstation Portable. I didn’t know that Plum can also do great figures like this. Looks like ill be starting to spy on their future figure releases from now on. Characters reminds me of Black Rock Shooter but in casual outfit.

Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella (4)
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella (3)
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella (2)
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella (1)
Preview | Plum: Alisa Amiella

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