Megahouse is going to release the 1/8th scale figure rendition of Katou Marika from the anime Mouretsu Pirates: Abyss of Hyperspace. Figure looks nice with some display customization options. I’m really not familiar with Marika nor the series she came from until the moment I designed and developed Starchild’s English website with Danny Choo some time ago. Figure slated August 2014, ¥9,800.

Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (1)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (2)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (3)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (4)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (5)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (6)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (7)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika (8)
Preview | Megahouse: Katou Marika

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