AmiAmi Zero is going to release this super awesome and dynamic 1/8th scale figure rendition of Houki Shinonono with her IS “Akatsubaki” from the hit anime, Infinite Stratos. This technical figure has a width of 550mm and a height of roughly 350mm. Will be released on August next year (2013) with a hefty price of ¥23,600 (ouch!)

I don’t care if she’s expensive! Overtime work here I come!!!

Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (7)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (6)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (5)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (4)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (3)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono (2)
Preview | AmiAmi Zero: Houki Shinonono

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