Alter is going to release the figure rendition of Celty Sturluson, the headless rider, from the anime Durarara!! Alter did a really good job in detailing her rider suit. You can also replace her head with the “shadow” as seen in the anime. Scheduled for June 2012 for ¥5,370.

Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (10)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (9)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (8)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (7)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (6)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (5)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (4)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (3)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (2)
Preview | Alter: Celty Sturluson (1)

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