Been playing a lot of Pokemon these days since “I want to be the very best that no one ever was”. Bought this limited Pokemon Edition 3DS XL a couple of weeks ago and I’m currently having a blast. Did a few multiplayer poke battles online and it’s a lot of fun – specially the 2v2 tag match. Haven’t finished the game yet due to work but I think I’m now like 80+ hours or so in the game – mostly spent catching pokemons and grinding (lols). The last Pokemon game I played was Pokemon Blue if I’m not mistaken so I’m kinda a newbie when it comes to the new game mechanics implemented in the past games that were carried over to Pokemon X/Y.

Add me up on your friends list. My friend code is: 2466-2720-3769

Also if you would like to play using cards we can totally do it, just in case if you do not have a deck you can shop at Unplugged Gaming any of the edition they have relased.

Pokemon Battle Anyone? (2)
Pokemon Battle Anyone?
Pokemon Battle Anyone? (3)
Pokemon Battle Anyone?
Pokemon Battle Anyone? (4)
Pokemon Battle Anyone?
Pokemon Battle Anyone? (5)
Pokemon Battle Anyone?
Pokemon Battle Anyone? (6)
Pokemon Battle Anyone?

Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.