Passed Apple iBooks strict design guidelines making all current and future releases of Phygure® available in iTunes and iBooks store! I made this project for the community because of my love with figure photography and this won’t be even possible without the continued support of many talented and creative figure photographers around the world! Thank you soo much everyone! You guys are awesome!

I promise that I’ll continue showcasing your work and let the world know that there is a thing called “Toy and Figure Photography” :) For those interested in participating in this project, head over to for details :)

PS: Android coming soon! :)

Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (1)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (2)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (3)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (4)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (5)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (6)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (7)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (8)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (9)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks! (10)
Phygure® Now Available on Apple iBooks!

Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.