Early last month, we announced Phygure®, a community driven online magazine by releasing ISSUE 00. Lots of figure and toy photographers supported the project by sending their best figure photography work and the Phygure’s “maiden” issue has been a success. We are now releasing the second issue with lots of new awesome submissions from the figure and toy photography community! Head over to www.phygure.com and check it out! Once again, this won’t be possible without the very supportive figure photography community! Thanks to all ISSUE 01 contributors and hope you guys enjoy Phygure® ISSUE 01! Onwards to Phygure® Prime Vol. 1!

Phygure® ISSUE 01 is Out!
Phygure® ISSUE 01 is Out!

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.