OtakuPro Is W3C Validated
OtakuPro Is W3C Validated

Today, I just spent some time optimizing the OtakuPro theme’s “insides” by making sure it is W3C validated. I want to make sure that the theme is optimized and of high quality as possible before I release it to the public (for FREE of course). A W3C validated site also means that the underlying code is following the best practices of the web.

If you experience some hiccups while browsing the site, please do let me know by sending me an email ^_^ It’ll be very much appreciated!

I’m W3c validated!

OtakuPro Is W3C Validated
OtakuPro Is W3C Validated

Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.