When I first jumped into figure photography, I improvised a lot when it comes to proper lighting and figure setup. I used empty external HDD boxes and tracing paper for my soft box and purchased desk lamps with specific light bulb wattage for my lighting. I also used toothpicks and Styrofoams to assemble my “mini studio” and also used colored papers for my backdrop.

I was deeply inspired by Ignite Images photography so I took an initiative to be a photographer. To be frank I really don’t know anything about professional photography, I just always ask my photographer friends on what’s the best way to get an specific effect or shot, or google a thing or two on the effect I’m trying to achieve.

Below is my very first improvised “studio” for my figures.

New Figure Photography Setup (8)
New Figure Photography Setup (9)
New Figure Photography Setup (10)

  I used the above setup in most of my figure reviews in the past and it kinda works though, but not as perfect and beautiful when using the right equipment, camera, and lens.

Today, a good friend of mine who’s also an avid figure collector just sent me this very useful photography equipment. It was dubbed as “Little Studio” and comes with the actual studio, 2 sets of halogen lamps, 3 sets of cloth backdrops, and a very useful portable tripod. The left and right wall of the studio serves as the light diffuser and the whole set can be folded and transformed into a portable “bag” (kinda like a laptop bag).

I took some test shots of my upcoming figure review, Black Rock Strength. The results are great though I still need to experiment on the overall setup.

New Figure Photography Setup (1)
New Figure Photography Setup (2)
New Figure Photography Setup (3)

  Review coming soon! Stay tuned. \m/


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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.