My Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Version) figure just arrived today. I haven’t opened it yet due to my very busy work schedule. This is the 3rd figure released by Hot Toys under their Avengers figure line. The next figure that will be released is Thor which is due this March.

I’m having some problems though with my figure dealer since they announced earlier that Hot Toys will cut off their supplies of Thor figures due to production issues. This is bad news for us collectors who preordered the figure :(

Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get! (1)
Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get!
Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get! (2)
Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get!
Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get! (3)
Hot Toys Captain America (Avengers Ver.) Get!

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