Yay! Finally! After some shipping mistakes by the courier, my Black Spiderman figure from Hot Toys has finally arrived today. This figure is amazing! Specially the included spot-on head sculpt of Tobey Maguire. This figure is also huge because of the included Sandman diorama base. Good job HT! Figure review soon!

Hot Toys Black Spiderman Get! (4)
The box of this figure is huge! Much bigger than the original Spiderman figure released by Hot Toys last year.
Hot Toys Black Spiderman Get! (3)
Spiderman + Sandman diorama base = where the hell will I display this figure?!
Hot Toys Black Spiderman Get! (2)
They look good together.

Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.