I’ve been collecting figures for roughly 4 yrs now. But even before I started this hobby, I already have a previous hobby that I still continue today, “Cycling”. I started the cycling sport when I was 13 yrs old, (I’m 24 now) and experienced a LOT both good and bad (even death of one of my team mates).

The purpose of this post is to share you some of the “equipments” I use in cycling and obviously, we will start with the main equipment of the sport which is the main “bike” itself. I do road and off-road racing though I’m really not that “strong” compared to my other team mates.

And if you’re asking about the “death” part, yeah, that’s true and it did happen i think roughly 4 yrs ago. It’s a loooong story but It was a road accident, an event that all cyclist experience every time we go out and take our bikes on the road. Trying to remember that event really makes me sad…

Anyway, let’s go to the good stuff! If Tony Stark has his “Hall Of Armor”, this is what I call my “Hall Of Bikes”. I’m sure if you have some kind of background in cycling or if you happen to watch TOUR DE FRANCE and even know LANCE ARMSTRONG, JAN ULRICH, or MARCO PANTANI, you will easily understand the specs of the bikes shown below. Enjoy the pics!

Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (2)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (5)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (7)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (6)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (3)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting (4)
Hobbies Aside From Figure Collecting

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.