Preordered figures finally arrived! Figure release dates are usually delayed here in the Philippines. I had to wait for roughly 1-2 months before my preordered figures arrive. A January released figure for example usually gets delivered here at my office at around February or March. Obviously, the main highlight of this post are Orchid Seed’s Ignis of the Endless Winter and Nimbus of the Eternal Night. And don’t forget Hobby Japan’s Leviathan (Envy) of the Seven Deadly Sins. Pretty excited to unbox all of them!

PS: I’m now officially outdated (again) in doing figure reviews > <

Figures Of May (1)
Figures Of May
Figures Of May (2)
Figures Of May
Figures Of May (3)
Figures Of May
Figures Of May (4)
Figures Of May
Figures Of May (5)
Figures Of May

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.