Figure Cabs are almost done though I have to wait until Tuesday for the construction to resume since we are on a 2 day holiday today which started yesterday. There were also some delays specially when it comes to the glass measurements of the shelves and doors. The measurements are totally off with the cab’s measurements so I have to wait a bit more for the necessary adjustments to be implemented >< Still, the cabs are now taking shape and I’m getting really excited to see it finished. Once it’s done, I can finally unbox a lot of my new unboxed figures! Yey!

Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (1)
Here’s the 6th figure cab on my entertainment / gaming area. Still missing glass doors and lighting system.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (2)
And here’s my “main” figure cabinet where I place all of my favorite figures. Glass doors and shelvings are now in place. Lighting system are also installed.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (3)
Right now, the cabs only has the ambient lighting activated. It functions like a “fill light”. We still have to install the main lights that will illuminate all of the figures inside.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (4)
I did a test run and place some of my current figures inside. I still need to replace some of the old figures with the new unboxed ones to make it look “updated”.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (6)
Here’s the 5th cab which is still under construction. Glass doors and shelvings missing due to wrong measurements >< Partial lighting system installed.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 3 (5)
And here’s how it looks like with the lights off. The main light which I mentioned earlier will be the one to fully lit the figures inside. Still looks good even with only the ambient / fill lights.

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.