My figure display cabs are still under construction but it’s now taking shape. The other day, we just finished installing the LED lights for the “hanging” cabs. The process is sooo time consuming but the end result is totally worth it. We also managed to assemble the 4th figure cabinet (still inside my office) behind me for additional display space. This will also have the same features as the “hanging” ones. Right now, I’m just waiting for the glass doors to be installed so that I can transfer my figures which are all scattered in my entertainment area.

I told them to finish my office first since this is where I work. Once my office is done, we will install the 5th and 6th cab which is in my entertainment area. Can’t wait ><  You can check the rough 3d rendition of the figure cabs here.

Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (8)
Powered tools are used to assemble the display cabs much faster.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (7)
We used an “aluminum strip” wrapped with carbon laminate to hide the LED lights from view. Bought about 60m of these to cover the whole display cabs.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (6)
The “aluminum strips” are then attached to the border of the display cabs. Inside these strips are the LED lights.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (5)
Here’s the 4th display cab which is still under construction. It has the same setup like the hanging ones (glass doors, LED lights).
Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (4)
Office is still a bit messy but we’re almost done.
Figure Display Cabs | Update 2 (3)
Here’s my updated setup. I still need to work while they’re working on the cabs so that I can pay them lols.

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.