I started posting my figure collection a few years ago but haven’t had the chance to post my actual room/office where all my figures are displayed. I was planning to take pictures of my room/office with all the lights on but I decided to show you the usual look of my room/office when I’m working. I’m a fan of working in the dark btw.

I work as an Interactive Designer for 6 yrs now and I started venturing the design industry when I was 18 yrs old (I’m 23 now). I started as a freelance designer doing design and web then I got involved in applications development. It continued until now though I still prefer doing pure design work. (more of me on the “About” section of the site).

My work is a dream come true though there are times when it gets really boring and stressful. These figures we (collectors) collect not only helps me lessen the stress of work, It also helps me stay motivated and get my design juices flowing.

Like what I’ve said earlier, I’m really a fan of working in the dark lols. The figures I have are not really focused in the upcoming images though I’m sure most of you will know who they are even if they’re just silhouettes. I’ll create another post showing my entire figure collection in broad daylight next time!

My Office By Day (16)
My Office By Day (17)
My Office By Day (15)
My Office By Day (14)
My Office By Day (13)
My Office By Day (12)
My Office By Day (11)
My Office By Day (10)
My Office By Day (9)
My Office By Day (8)
My Office By Day (7)
My Office By Day (6)
My Office By Day (5)
My Office By Day (4)
My Office By Day (3)
My Office By Day (2)

  So that’s it for now guys! Hope you enjoyed my mini “lights-off” tour of my room/office and how I usually work. I’ll post another entry showcasing my collection and other room/work stuff in the future! Happy Fridays!


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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.