Finally received the proof copies of the first 5 issues of Phygure Magazine! I’m in the process of reviewing everything “print related” and so far the quality is pretty good! I’m currently waiting for the second round of proofs using a much higher quality paper to see how the print looks. Overall, I’m very happy with the final output. Just a couple of minor adjustments and we’re golden! Thank you to everyone who supported this community driven project! You guys are amazing!

As always, you can check out all available issues at Phygure’s official site. Phygure is also freely available on Apple iBooks (for iOS users) and Kobo Books Store (for Android users).

Phygure Hard Copies! (1)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (2)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (3)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (4)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (5)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (6)
Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (7)
Phygure Hard Copies!
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Phygure Hard Copies!
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Phygure Hard Copies!
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Phygure Hard Copies!
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Phygure Hard Copies!
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Phygure Hard Copies!
Phygure Hard Copies! (13)
Phygure Hard Copies!

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.