Finally managed to publish this long overdue figure review of Milla Maxwell ^^; Having a hard time freeing up my schedule these past few months due to work so my apologies for my not so updated figure review library. But yeah, like what I’ve mentioned earlier, I was lucky enough to finalize this review post of Milla Maxwell manufactured by Alter. She’s scaled at 1/8 and I tell you, she’s a beauty. This may sound funny but I’m really not familiar with her character. Well, yeah, I know she’s from the PS3 game “Tales of Xillia (テイルズ オブ エクシリア)” but I haven’t played “that” game either > <

I usually buy my figures by using their “looks” alone. If they look nice, I preorder them – and that’s the only time I get to know the figure’s character or game/series he/she came from. 80% of all my figures started out like this. I only watched K-ON! because I saw their great figure renditions online – which in turn made me complete the whole set. I didn’t even know Gurren Lagann after my very first Yoko figure ^^;

Going back to the figure, She made it into my collection last year. When I saw Alter’s prototype images of her, I didn’t even hesitate and I just pressed the preorder button. The figure is really “captivating” in the eyes. Her seemingly glowing yellow hair and that subtle “tint” of green really sold it for me. No questions asked when it comes to the figure’s overall sculpt work and paint job – it’s Alter after all. Pose is on the “elegant” side and it works with what the figure is trying to portray. And yes, Milla is absolutely beautiful in this figure. I might actually buy the game this weekends and try it since her character and the “Tales of Xillia” brand is quite popular in social media.

PS: It seems that their are 2 “Tales of Xillia” games already. Do I need to play the first game in order to understand the second game?

Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (1)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (2)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (3)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (4)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (5)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (6)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (7)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (8)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (9)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (10)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (11)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (12)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (13)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (14)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (15)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (16)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (17)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (18)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (19)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (20)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (21)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (22)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (23)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (24)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell (25)
Review | Alter: Milla Maxwell

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.