I’m no “audiophile” (yet) but I do know how a “high fidelity sound” sounds like. I’m very and closely surrounded by audiophiles here at our place specially my cousin and my dad who are both “audio freaks”. Because of this, my ear is kinda trained already with this “high fidelity sound” stuff and I’m basically starting to get really picky when it comes to my audio tracks and music listening. I’m still not “there” yet when it comes to becoming a full pledged “audiophile” but I can feel I’m getting there.

“It’s not your typical desktop speakers”.

My plan was to originally setup my “audiophile grade” listening equipments in my living room but I told myself, I don’t really spend a lot of time in my living room except when playing games. So i decided to do it first in my office where I really spend most of my time designing stuff for clients. A lot of research was done when it comes to my office setup. Original plan was to get a mid range tube amp, a mid range DAC (Digital to Analog Converter), and a decent pair of speakers. The problem with this approach is the space needed to set this thing up.

The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (1)
The Audioengine 5+ is one of the best sounding powered speakers I have ever used.

I have a LOT of figures scattered here in my office and there seems to be no available space to set it up. I already “auditioned” the equipments I will be purchasing and I know that’s the “sound” I want to hear echoing inside my office but like what I’ve mentioned, where the hell will I put it? That’s the time when my audiophile “jedi” cousin told me about Audioengine specifically the Audioengine 5+ “Active” speakers. It’s basically a speaker system with built in amplifier inside, meaning, I don’t basically need to buy a separate amplifier to power this thing. How’s the sound quality you ask? That’s where the Audioengine 5+ shines.

“It even rivals the sound quality of my original setup for a third of its original price!”

You see, I’m really not a fan of “all in one” systems or even “powered” type speakers but this thing right here is different. It’s not your typical “desktop speakers”. It’s not called “audiophile grade” for no reason. The sound coming out from this thing is just amazing. It even rivals the sound quality of my original setup for a third of its original price! Played my favourite Jazz bands like The Yellow Jackets, Weather Report, and Fourplay and they all sounded like they’re inside my office. The sound quality of this thing (out of the box) is so nice to think of I still need to burn it in for at least 50 hours. A very worthy purchase indeed!

PS: If you’re planning to get one, make sure you also get the Audioengine D1 DAC. They work great together. Killer combo! Also, if you’re still undecided, just visit their site at http://audioengineusa.com and check out some of the high profile reviews there.

The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (2)
Also bought the Audioengine D1 DAC (Digital to Analog Converter). This thing works great with the A5+ and it has also received numerous accolades from audiophile and tech sites.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (3)
The A5+ is a bit big. I had to basically remove my second monitor (PC) to test them out.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (4)
The design of the speakers looks really great. And yes, it doesn’t include any speaker grills.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (5)
You don’t have to worry about covering these things since the woofers and tweeters are made out of kevlar and silk. They can take quite a bit of punishment.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (6)
Here’s the Audioengine D1 24bit DAC. Highly recommended that you also get this if you’re planning to purchase the A5+.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (7)
Here it is, installed, ready for some critical listening. I still need to update my cables to high quality ones though.
The Audioengine 5+ "Audiophile Grade" Speakers (8)
And here’s how my current work station looks like. Now, where the hell will I place my PC monitor > <

Let's Discuss!

Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.