Yow guys! I just stumbled upon mikatan’s blog and saw this very lovely figure rendition of Xiao-Mei from the PSP game Shining Hearts. I hadn’t had the chance to play the actual game but I’m pretty much knowledgeable when it comes to the Shining Wind/Shining Hearts series specially since the characters were designed by one of my favorite artists… Tony Taka.

Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 1
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 3
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 5
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 7
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 9
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 11
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 13
Preview | Max Factory: Xiao Mei 15

Full information about this figure will be available @ GSC’s official website by mid-March. Is this a “buy” for your wallets?


Let's Discuss!

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