Figure review time! In this review, we are going to take a look at Megahouse’s figure rendition of Princess Shirahoshi, a character from the long running anime and manga series, One Piece. I’m familiar with One Piece and its main characters, but honestly, I’m really outdated when it comes to the new characters (like Shirahoshi). Let’s get started!

The Princess Shirahoshi figure is a part of Megahouse’s P.O.P. figure line. P.O.P. is a an acronym for “Portrait Of Pirates” and this figure line had already released a bunch of figures based on the characters of the anime/manga series, One Piece. This is my very first P.O.P. figure.

Like what I’ve mentioned earlier, I’m familiar with the anime but not really a hardcore fan of it. I don’t even know who Princess Shirahoshi is! That’s how dumb I am for not watching or even reading the manga since most of my friends told me that the series is super awesome.

As a figure collector myself, I really don’t need to know the anime series before purchasing a figure. If a figure looks beautiful, I preorder/purchase it right away. Similar thing happened to this Shirahoshi figure, I really don’t know the character but I super love the figure! I’ll try my best to give you the background info of this character but I’m sure that most of you already know her (I think I’m the only one who doesn’t lols).

Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (1)
To those people who are not familiar with the character (like me), Princess Shirahoshi is a giant sized mermaid who appeared in the long running anime/mange series One Piece.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (2)
According to her bio, she has a pet shark named “Megalo” with the same size as her. The name “Megalo” is a somewhat familiar term to those who watch too much Discovery Channel (like me).
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (3)
I’m sure Shirahoshi’s pet, Megalo, was strongly based on the name “Megalodon”, an extinct species of gigantic sharks that lived approximately 1.5 million years ago. The size of a Megalodon can be compared to the size of Luffy and Shirahoshi in this figure rendition (scary but true!).
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (4)
So much for that science trivia, Shirahoshi is a huge figure. I’m really not sure about her scale because it was never displayed on the box. But I guess, she’s inside the 1/6 scale.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (5)
Aside from being huge, the figure is also quite heavy and feels “solid” when you hold it.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (6)
The figure comes in 3 separate pieces. The main figure, the base, and the cute minified figure rendition of Luffy which I really really like.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (7)
As I’ve mentioned earlier, this figure is my very first One Piece character figure and the first in the P.O.P. (Portrait of Pirates) figure line. I also already decided to get all future P.O.P. female figures in the future.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (8)
The Princess Shirahoshi figure is no doubt a BEAUTIFUL figure. The first time I saw her online, I was already attracted  to her. Megahouse did a great job on this one.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (9)
The sculpt of the figure is top notch. I did some research on Shirahoshi and all of the elements that makes Shirahoshi as a likable character was sculpted in great detail.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (10)
I really really love Shirahoshi’s face in this figure. She’s so lovely!
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (11)
The innocent and simple smile combined with her absolutely vibrant color palette makes this figure a must have, not only for fans of the series, but also for avid figure collectors.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (12)
Megahouse also did an amazing job when it comes to the figure’s overall paint job. The combination of the colors pink and gold/yellow is what makes Shirahoshi an adorable figure. There are also no signs of paint bleeds and unwanted paint marks in the whole figure. A high quality figure indeed.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (13)
Princess Shirahoshi was described as a shy and wholesome character in the series. But you can’t deny that she has a very alluring body even as a mermaid.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (14)
Do you think there’s a possibility that Shirahoshi will gain the ability to transform into a normal human? I’m sure she will be more attractive in human form.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (15)
Most of the anime’s I watch are based on the figures I acquire. When I first got my very first K-ON figure, I decided to watch the anime series (and I loved it!). From the looks of it, It looks like I’ll be doing a One Piece anime marathon this weekends.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (16)
How they rendered the scales is amazing.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (17)
Her “fish legs” (sorry, really don’t have any idea what it’s called lols!) were painted using metallic paint making it very reflective (and shiny) similar to a real fish.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (18)
The figure looks beautiful in any angle.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (19)
The base that was included is also nice with some vibrant corals attached to it. Placing the figure on the base is pretty straightforward. The figure is also stable on the base which is a good thing.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (20)
The included Luffy minified  figure is a great addition. It’s small but still very well detailed!
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (21)
Negative comments? Honestly, I don’t have any. She’s big, beautiful, figure composition is great, and the sculpt and paint job is amazing. These are some of the properties I always look for before even purchasing a figure.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (22)
And here are some final shots to close this figure review.
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (23)
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (24)
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (25)
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi (26)
Review | Megahouse: Princess Shirahoshi

Whew! Another figure review done! I hope you enjoyed and liked the pictures in this review and I do hope it made it easier for you to decide when it comes to purchasing this figure in the future. Fan or not, this figure is a must have for figure collectors. I myself is not a fan of the entire One Piece series, but the moment I saw this figure, I was really impressed and preordered her right away.

If you have the budget and the item is still in stock, this figure rendition of Princess Shirahoshi is HIGHLY recommended!

[ Thank You Hubbyte Toys And Collectibles ]


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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.