I just discovered this exceptional otaku hobby store online named “Hubbyte Toys And Collectibles”. This store is not just an ordinary online hobby store like HLJ or AmiAmi. Why? Because they have this very unique service called “Figure Hunt”. Yep, from the word itself. Just tell them what figure you are looking for and they’ll “hunt” it for you.

The “figure hunt” process is totally FREE. You’ll just have to wait for their email stating that they already found the figure you’re looking for. The very BEST part of this service is, all figures will be in MINT condition and majority of the price will still be the specific figure’s standard retail price (or sometimes roughly higher than SRP, of course they need to earn lols) years ago.

Doesn’t that make you smile? I mean, RARE FIGURES are so hard to find and if ever we find one, they’re 3x the original price. I actually tested their service by making them “hunt” Yamato’s Poison figure and Max Factory’s I-NO and after roughly a week of waiting, well just refer to my images below.

Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (3)
1/7 Max Factory I-NO
Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (2)
1/6 Yamato Poison

Believe it or not, I didn’t even pay a premium price for those 2 figures. Their price are I think roughly higher than the their original SRP but not 2 or 3x higher like on other online stores. You can check my post about Poison and I-NO here and you can also check Poison’s review here. They sent me the 2 figures (obviously, the shipping isn’t free) inspected it and verified that the figures are 100% MINT!

I thanked them for the exceptional service and told them I was really happy that I acquired Poison and I-NO after years of hunting. They actually sent me some online stores selling these 2 figures and I was blown away by their current value specially Poison which costs ¥64,000 or roughly $800!

After a few weeks, I used their service again, emailed them the figures I’m looking for (1/6 Daiki Reina Of Queen’s Blade, 1/7 Orchid Seed Ignis, 1/7 Max Factory Ignis, and 1/8 Kotobukiya Samurai Tamaki), and waited for their reply. Then after roughly a week, they emailed me saying that they already found my figures.

Most of the figures I emailed them are released years ago and are already long sold out. I really don’t know what kind of black sorcery they’re using in hunting these figures but at the end of the day, they still manage to find it. Again, I didn’t pay any premium price for these figures. They shipped it to me, inspected it, and again, they’re 100% in MINT condition. Below are some photos of the said figures.

Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (7)
1/6 Daiki Reina
Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (6)
1/7 Orchid Seed Ignis
Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (5)
1/7 Max Factory Ignis
Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store (4)
1/8 Kotobukiya Samurai Tamaki

If you’re interested with their “figure hunt” service, you can email the owner at victorthomasgalang@gmail.com (that’s his personal email which increases the chance of him responding faster). They also have an ebay store that you can check by clicking this link though I don’t see any notable scale figures there. They also ship anywhere in the world.

Otakumouse SAFS
Otakumouse Suddenly Acquired Figures

Really glad I discovered their service. I can now sit back and relax while waiting for my hunted figures. Already asked them to hunt for all NATIVE exclusives and it looks like they’ve found it. And another thing, if ever you didn’t make it to an specific figure’s preorder deadline, try shooting him an email. He will find a store in Japan, Korea, or Hongkong that still accepts preorder of that specific figure for you.

And yeah, the image below? Well, that’s their mascot lols.

Rare Figures At Hubbyte Figure Store 8
Hubbyte Toys And Collectibles

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Hi there! This blog is where I write about toys and figures. When I'm not blogging, I create amazing things for some of the coolest brands around the world.